Plein Eire

Your Site For Artists Who Paint Outdoors

I hope you are all saving and planning to come to California for the convention next April. Use code PACLP to save $100 on registration. Yours truly has been asked to do a duo demo on the big stage alongside CW Mundy.

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Thanks Lori….will hopefully be putting your code to good use!  Still saving the pennies ;) Couldn't miss seeing your demo…delighted for you! 

CWM -That's a tough stable-mate, Lori.

Apart from his being another great painter, I can't get past 25 minutes of his DVD before his voice puts me to sleep! I hope one of these days I'll get to see the end of it but so far its worked it's magic on me every time .....zzzzzz!

Obviously I am the entertainment portion of the duo. :/)

Haha! Obviously.

Maybe you'll need to clap your hands once in a while to combat CW's drawl.

Watch 'em all jump if you drop your palette!

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