Does anyone knows of a pochade box plan? Here in Brazil there are not pochades to buy, and if you try to get one from dickblick or ultrecht the price will triple (or more).
With the knowledge we could do it by ourselves. Thanks for any help.
Check out 'Fawzan Barrage Pochade Box' on Youtube. You will find this Canada-based artist is an inveterate DIY pochade-maker and has a couple of different nifty designs made with minimal carpentry and regular hardware store fittings.
Oi Oswaldo,
Depende do que você pretende (óle? aguarela? outro?).
Depende ainda do conceito: Só paleta e cavalete para tela (tintas e pincéis vão numa caixa à parte)? Caixa e cavalete (que leva tudo)? Tuido em madeira? Ou para montar num tripé de fotografia?
Você pode ver nos links abaixo os tipos de cavaletes (entre outros) e escolher.
Terei todo o gosto de lhe apontar planos para construir uma pochade box, basta contactar-me aqui:.
Entretanto, veja isto e decida:
If you google ... how to make a pochade box... there are several people who show how.
Finally, I finished my pochade box. I didn't yet try it on plein air, but it seems that I will not be in the creek without a paddle. I will post the photos soon.
More photos. Now, the parts before assembling.
Very nice job. I wish you years of happy painting with it. Thanks for the detailed photographs. Very helpful.
Here's a novel one...
Personally, if I was going to make a pochade box, I would use one of the many sturdy plastic boxes with hinged lid that are on the market. For screws and fixtures etc. To secure the fitment to it, the one that slots into the tri-pod head, I would use a three inch by six inch peforated plate to reinforce that area. (I have actually bought one). It would be important to get a box that doesn't have fixed compartments and so has a flat bottom inside. The rest of the procedure is obvious.
Here's a new (to me) pochade design: GregzBox.
And a further discussion with tips:
Created by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 24, 2011 at 10:36am. Last updated by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 28, 2015.
Created by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 12, 2010 at 2:18am. Last updated by Plein Eire Administrator Jun 1, 2012.
Created by Plein Eire Administrator Jul 15, 2010 at 1:33am. Last updated by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 10, 2012.
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