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Plein Air Berlin/Brandenburg - 9th to 19th May 2015 - Open to All !

Check the end of this discussion line for the latest comments..

Continuing on from last years discussion...We're delighted that Marko and Nikoli  are again making plans for another Plein Air Berlin/ Brandenburg Event 2015.Dates will be  May 9th - 19th

The Event will be based again in  Altthymen haus,  

The cost will be  € 45 euro/ day, full board. The nearest airport is Berlin 

We had a great experience during this Event 2014. This is a wonderful opportunity to paint in the old, East part of Germany, and immerse yourself in paint :) . Places are still available, if you would like to join us let us know. 

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I would be interested, all depending on dates in May: any definite week? love love love Berlin fantastic place- and of course it would be great to paint for a solid week there with Marko and friends.
Great Lou. ..dates aren't set in stone as of yet. ..will keep you posted :)

Thanks Karen.  Sounds interesting.

(From their website)

"Accommodation costs:

15, - Euro per person per bed per night plus once 3, - for bed linen

Children under 5 are free, ages 6 to 15 years we charge 7,50.
Prices for camping please ask.

Should be self-sufficient / want to cook, but have no grocer you, you can send us a list with the booking, and we'll do a small surcharge shopping for you, or we make on the way from the station a stopover."

So apart from the food, what exactly does the €40 per night include?  Transport to venues?  Other stuff?

I'm interested, and I'd like to find out a bit more.

Hi Valerie that's great. ...Marko should be able to expand further. I'd imagine its a rough estimate, and we'll get more detail as interest is shown .

Dear friends and interested painters – i wish you all a lovley and successful 2014 -

I am happy, that there is interest for a nice plein air week in germany -

Altthymen is a lovley place in nothern brandenburg about 80 km away from berlin -

it is middled in a lake region and shows the wilderness of the old gdr – east germany -

there are very old trees and a lot of free living animals – wonderful woods and lakes – nice streams – and although old tractors, houses and churches, …

The guesthouse is big and has a nice garden and was in the time of the gdr a place for socialistic youth camps – there are although some old socialistic barracks -

i think it is a wonderful place to paint and join a good time with plein air painter friends

the costs of 40 € is, like Valerie checked out – 18 € for bed and bed linen – and 22 € for the full board residential -

the village is really small and there is no kind of shop – my good friend angela is living there, but she is not the owner of the house – she lives there by rent – she is a wonderful cook and she will do the shopping in the next city fürstenberg and cook for us -

but when there is real interest for organizing the plein air – i will look for some sponsors – maybe for a price to win or a free bus for some day – i will talk to the responsable person of the region and check out if there are some funds for touristic affairs -

the only thing, that even i and angela do not like, is, that the owner forbid to drink alcohol and consume other drugs in the house and garden, smoking cigarettes in the garden is ok – but when we wanna have some fun with nice drinks, there are nice places in the nearby greenfields between some trees or when we do some campfire -

i feel, that the quality of the place is very good – the timetable has changed a little bit – i could block the time from 12th may to 23rd may -

I invite you all to come and to have a good experience together

at my gallery at pleineire is a portfolio from april last year, where you can see some paintings from altthymen -

hey lovley greetings from berlin - marko

Thanks for the info Marko. How far from Berlin is the house ?
I have the communion on 17th but could manage from 18 - 23 no bother.sounds lovely Marko is there any easy way to get to the painting village from the airport, bus,train,taxi or is it very far?

it is about 80 km - we to have go by train - if a irish group comes - i could pick you up and go with you by train - then at fürstenberg we will transported by car to the village - i will then explain you then the details, maybe when i have  the arriving dates, how and what to get - perhaps i have a small car then - there is a possibility for me to get one till spring from my mother - i choosed the date in may, because spring starts and we have these fresh greens there and we can just go swimming some time - hugs from berlin

I added a new portfoloio - Altthymen Watercolors 2013

Hi all,

as a »Berliner« I wanted to say, that this place is really interesting for painters and nature lovers. The whole area was formed by the last glacial area. There are now a lot of lakes, some of them are connected by small rivers. For birdwatchers this region offers: cranes, white and black storks, ospreys, white-tailed and lesser spotted eagles. The red kite is also common. During the last 20 years some bigger mammals occurred in this region like the raccoon, the raccoon dog and the wolf. Ok, the wolf is more common south from Berlin. Beavers are adapting huge river areas as they want. I prepared a gallery on flickr with some photos and sketches of mine from this region from the last years.

Thanks Nikolai, for those great images and information. It looks like a beautiful location. 

If anyone is interested in this trip let me know. I hope to go, and about six others have expressed an interest. It's great to have Marko, to direct us, and the location does look beautiful, so a nice opportunity to warm up for A.I.O ??

there are good places around and near the house - i will check out what it will cost to rent a small bus - to make some longer trips - about 10 - 30 km around altthymen are these wonderful places, Nikolai has shown - or we arrange with some private cars - there are a lot of rooms - it depends on the amount of people - nearly everyone can find a own room - but some people has to share a room - i will ask Angela, how many rooms exactly are there -  there are 2 bathrooms with shower and bathtube - and 4 toilets to use - next week i will meet a friend who has an sponsoring agency to talk about an concept - my idea is the name "elementa" and maybe to start an every year coming up event for the future - did you know, that in this region Angela Merkel is grown up? to make publicity for sponsoring and press  i have to know then if people confirm to come - it could be interesting for the regional tv channel to make some report - so whatever it is not a hilton hotel, but it is very nice and comfortable to stay there and has this east german charming - and we have a big common kitchen and and a seminarroom to work, if it is raining and although these barracks to use for painting sessions! hey ho lets go! greetings marko

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