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David Diaz's Comments

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At 14:32 on April 4, 2011, Karen Scannell said…
That's the plan anyhow..might turn into the para gliding Olympics if the weather doesn't hold up!! Any group paint outs with you??
At 14:25 on April 4, 2011, Karen Scannell said…
Thanks David...fingers-crossed on the weather! I think it's on " Sieve Coillte" that five counties can be seen at it's highest peak.. It's  a hill really!!
At 23:32 on March 31, 2011, Karen Scannell said…
looks v. impressive. Good to have friends "in the know"!
At 23:15 on March 31, 2011, Karen Scannell said…

Multi-tasking David!! Nice  work just posted...everything is greening up over there.

Is Wye house a historical building??

At 0:48 on March 23, 2011, Tony Robinson said…
Prize in Washington? When? How? What did I miss? ...Spill the beans, David.
At 0:16 on March 23, 2011, Karen Scannell said…
Yard sale's a great idea...your keeping busy as usual then..Hey-maybe that soda bread you were telling me about, would convert well to turbo-boost you across the Atlantic?? I'm sure you'd make the Paint outs in time then!! :)
At 10:30 on March 17, 2011, Karen Scannell said…

Happy St. Patrick's Day , David to you and Ardis!!

By the that you I spotted in the Plein Air Magazine??? Painting in the snow??Pg.93....

At 23:21 on March 14, 2011, Karen Scannell said…
Congrats David on your prize in the Washington D.C Event!!
At 22:32 on January 14, 2011, Karen Scannell said…

Hey David-great profile photo by the way!! Here is the link to the Art In The Open Festival website:

Festival starts Friday 29th,30th,31st July 2011 with Exhibition opening on Monday1st.

There will also be paint outs in areas around Wexford on the three days prior to( July 26th, 27th and 28th), and three days after the festival( 2nd,3rd, 4th August) !! Start taking your tonics now !....keep an eye on the Festival website for the festival program, which will be posted soon!!

At 1:08 on January 13, 2011, Paul Maloney said…
Thanks David . Many happy returns.
At 13:17 on January 4, 2011, Karen Scannell said…
Thanks for the comment David...good idea, although it's a bit like painting, inspiration visits you one day...and ignores you the next!! You any goals for New Year?
At 13:22 on January 3, 2011, Louise Treacy said…
thanks David      .... yes I had a grand xmas and new year hopin to get the paints out in the next couple of days and get SOMETHING done we have been doing a sculpture bloc in college for the last 2 months ,,, thus no time to paint ,,, so I REALLY  have to get goin again as soon as possible .... Im nearly afraid to try something now,cos it feels like an age since I had a brush in my hand, fear of failure is kinda holdin me back ,,,, probobly best to "DIVE IN " and just go for it .. ill post anything that is reasonable hopefully!!!!!!
At 0:45 on January 1, 2011, Karen Scannell said…
Wishing you all the Best this New Year David!!
At 0:14 on January 1, 2011, Philip Dundon said…
"Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh".....Happy New Year, to you and Ardis, and hope it's a prosperous one too! Good Luck for now.
At 18:27 on December 20, 2010, Karen Scannell said…

Hold on comparing me to a pig??....with fleece glove trimmings....??...and thick...?

At 17:53 on December 20, 2010, Karen Scannell said…

mightn't even get through the door... and a fire pit sounds too much like i could be a cheap dinner for someone.... times are hard you know!!

I've been trying the fingerless gloves myself, you've just reminded me of the PAIN. Hands being warm and fingertips freezing seems to intensify the pain!! So you use fleece fingerless gloves or fleece full length gloves??

At 17:08 on December 20, 2010, Karen Scannell said…

We'll keep an eye out for that David..thanks..maybe another nocturne is on the cards!!....let see where are all those tips...fingerless gloves thermal wear, electric gloves, bamboo fibre thermals, Canadian boots, polyester fleece pants, pajama bottoms, hot toddy...........once the list is checked I may miss the event!!

At 23:45 on November 27, 2010, Karen Scannell said…
Hey David...hope your metabolism hasn't slowed down with all that Thanksgiving grub!..looking forward to your nocturnes. Wind chill here was at least -2 degrees, hope your having better luck!! Snow today.
At 18:37 on November 22, 2010, Karen Scannell said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you both!
At 19:17 on November 19, 2010, Philip Dundon said…
Hi David, Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and Ardis

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