Last Sat, Apr 9, saw the Plein Eire season really kick off with a joint outing with Plein Eire Dublin group and Dublin Painting & Sketching Club, members and anyboby who wanted to join in to get a taste of what painting and sketching out of doors is all about. The event co-incided with DPSC's annual exhibition being held in Dun Laoire Town Hall, so the venue was the local beauty spot of Sandycove; Joyce's Tower, Forty Foot etc. The weather held up, following the previous few days sunshine, and didn't fade till later in the afternoon; about 20 people in all attended.

What a beautiful and appropriate way to enjoy the good weather. There were many people out that day, so I hope that aspect didn't perturb too many nascent artists . May is usually a good month (it being exams time 'en all ! )
so hopefully the next few paintouts will be as successful. It might be worth trying an additional mid-week one for those not constrained during the working week.

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