Plein Eire

Your Site For Artists Who Paint Outdoors

There seems to be always a story to tell, and tonight was no exception.  I arrived in Rosslare this evening with my spirits waning, as a heavy blanket of cloud was making sure that the "Extra special Full moon" , wasn't going to be seen! Apparently the Moon is the closest to the earth tonight for 18 yrs...220000kms.

Handiness was the name of the game- so I parked, in car park opposite Browns pub , and set up the easel close by. There's nothing like rain dripping down the back of your neck, to encourage you to paint faster ( maybe the high octane rugby match also helped). 

Half way through this painting, a lovely lady parked a short distance in front of me. Concentrating on the painting, and also distracted a little by the rugby in my ear plugs, it took me a while to see her waving from the car, trying to attract my attention.

"Am I in your way?"

I walked over to her decending window, peaked in and said "No, your fine thanks" and got back to my painting.

A short while later the same Lady arrived back to her car, dodging the raindrops in the process. Slowly drove up beside me and again  opened the passenger window of her car.

" It's raining"

" I'm fine - really " I replyed

"I'm intrigued- I see your umbrella has broken" she said pointing to the miserable , "only to work twice" lame excuse of an umbrella, lying on the ground beside my feet... " Would you like a loan of one??"

" Ah - I don't think I can get any wetter I reply d Thanks anyway"

" No" she said slightly aghast ..."for your painting "!!

I could vaguely hear the song-"I'm nobody's child" she slowly drove out of sight shaking her head in confusion....!



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Comment by Karen Scannell on March 21, 2011 at 12:18
Thanks Kevin....I was tempted to go in to the Skyfest...but the thoughts of paring etc.....much easier to set up the easel and paint!!
Comment by Kevin Freeney on March 20, 2011 at 20:38

Well done Karen. That lady knows what's what! The fireworks were not quite what we are used to at the Opera Festival after all the bleedin' hype! We got wet too but at least you have a lovely piece to show for all your hardship.

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