Plein Eire

Your Site For Artists Who Paint Outdoors

Very sadly we have to inform you of the death of our dear friend and painting companion, Sean Quinn. Sean passed away suddenly at home and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a ainm dilís.

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Thank You Sally, RIP Sean

Thank you Sally, we are all heartbroken, Sean was a gentleman, poet, artist and an all round beautiful person and I count myself lucky to have known him.  Looking through his wonderful paintings here has been a joy, and to read our comments over the years was comforting and a record of our friendship .  He didnt like painting if it was too cold, we often had a good laugh about his Law, here it is in his own words after a paint out in Slane this year which he missed..............

I was feeling guilty for 
opting out of Slane   on account of the forecast of 40 ks winds,
but around 12 o'clock there were lulls in the wind and breaks in
the clouds, and I was regretting not going.
I was sharing my interpretation of Francis Ledwith of Slane with a walking friend
on Sunday and we agreed that almost everyone knows by heart
his most famous poem: "He shall not hear the bittern cry in the wild sky
where he is lain,  Or voices of the sweeter  birds above the wailing of 
of the rain".
Rest in Peace Sean

Oh Norah I almost see him smiling at your words/his words, we were blessed with his company, he found joy and laughter in everything, and was generous in his praise always. we will miss him for sure.

 Norah, Sean would reply and remark on your perspicacity.  

Kyrle Cahill said:

Oh Norah I almost see him smiling at your words/his words, we were blessed with his company, he found joy and laughter in everything, and was generous in his praise always. we will miss him for sure.

Sean has been a loyal member of Plein Eire and Boyne Valley since the very earliest days.  He took immense pleasure in all its activities and never ceased to wonder at how fulfilled his life now was.   We associate Sean with fun and laughter.   His creativity and ingenuity with his painting materials was ongoing and entertaining.   He had dreams.  He was not content to stand still and loved how he could search the world on Google and discover new painting methods and theories and histories.   He developed his own unique painting style, colourful, bright and mystical.  Nothing stays the same .  And it is surely going to be different without Sean.

So very Sorry to hear the news of our Beloved Sean yesterday.  A real gentleman, great fun to be with, made the most of every painting occasion (even if it was very cold), and I will always remember his love of painting boats in particular, red boats, blue, or yellow boats.  He always found a secluded pier anywhere we went, and always found a boat to paint.

He has been with our group almost since the beginning.  A beautiful painter, and friend.  I will never be able to look at a pier again, without thinking of Sean.

Sean will be missed by us all.


I've included an album of photos which I'm sure will bring back happy memories of Sean and our times with him.  Click on link and give it a minute to upload.

Fun and laughter, is true Sally, his leaving has hit us all like a ton of bricks - he also thought highly of this site and how if not for it then we all would not have met

Sally Downey said:

Sean has been a loyal member of Plein Eire and Boyne Valley since the very earliest days.  He took immense pleasure in all its activities and never ceased to wonder at how fulfilled his life now was.   We associate Sean with fun and laughter.   His creativity and ingenuity with his painting materials was ongoing and entertaining.   He had dreams.  He was not content to stand still and loved how he could search the world on Google and discover new painting methods and theories and histories.   He developed his own unique painting style, colourful, bright and mystical.  Nothing stays the same .  And it is surely going to be different without Sean.

Thanks again Sally those Photographs are great mementos to have.

Sean's quiet exuberance will be sadly missed by us but he will never be forgotten.

Sally's photographs remind us of all the happy times and memories we shared with Sean.

So very sad to hear of Sean's death.  A stalward member of the group who loved painting boats and harbours. He will be very much missed by all who knew him. RIP.  Great to see all those photos Sally.

Sorry to hear the news of Sean's passing did he have any family I wonder..

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