Time: April 27, 2020 at 11am to May 4, 2020 at 3pm
Location: Howth Harbour
Street: https://www.google.ie/maps/@53.390884,-6.0709905,3a,75y,266.89h,96.66t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sV6b7-paROZxAfrjeb-dsxw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i31
City/Town: Howth
Website or Map: https://www.google.ie/maps/@5…
Event Type: digital, virtual, paint-out, howth
Organized By: Sean Quinn
Latest Activity: May 7, 2020
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Because we can't meet face-to-face, this is a Digital Virtual Paint-out for the Howth area , no matter where in Ireland, people live, with imagery we can access online in our own homes. Howth has a lot to offer with 2 lighthouses, a harbour with lots of colourful boats, a customs house, a martello tower and there's also a Howth castle.
And we have a week to produce a result. Participants can find their own inspirational images online, and because the source is digital, people from around the country can take part. Here are a few links.
First Google Street, where one can travel around in a virtual manner.
Howth Images
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I have set up a zoom meeting if any wants to join for a chat about their paintings of Howth. There is a limit of 40 minutes as it is a free service.
"Invitation to Virtual Howth Sat May 2, 2020 02:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79292903286 Meeting ID: 792 9290 3286"
Elaine we will all be painting Howth from our computers so distance is no problem. I hope you are keeping well too. Kyrle I've never used that app so tks for the tips. With rain forctomoroww it will make a good one to try. Thanks Sean.
Include me in Sean
Thanks for all your kind and encouraging remarks. Everyone is welcome
at home and abroad. Regarding Elaine who had a query below, who is abroad,
just upload photo of painting wherever it goes. Also Pauline, just upload
it wherever it goes, naturally.
Great idea Sean!
Hi all. I have not been on here in ages and ages. I also am not even in Ireland, although I really, really wish I were. Can I paint along too? Hi Norah! Hope everyone is doing ok during this mess.
Hello from lovely west Clare
I'm not the most active member but am wondering when we finish our piece, do we download it here or to Sean? Sorry. I'd love to try it. Thanks. Hope your all keeping well. Pauline
Great idea Sean, Most people will probably know this but just in case...In the google street app mentioned you can not only drive or walk along the street or road, but you can actually zoom into what you are looking at by using the + sign below the little compass on the right of the street image. its great for composing the image, I find places to paint with this regularly and then just go straight to them by shanks mare. so walk along, turn perpendicular to the shop front for example and then zoom in for close-up.
Thats a terrific idea Sean and I'm sure you'll have lots of takers. I suppose we can have a cup if coffee first as usual and try to pretend its our regular Sat. morning.
Great idea Sean. Hope to take part. Hi
Created by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 24, 2011 at 10:36am. Last updated by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 28, 2015.
Created by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 12, 2010 at 2:18am. Last updated by Plein Eire Administrator Jun 1, 2012.
Created by Plein Eire Administrator Jul 15, 2010 at 1:33am. Last updated by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 10, 2012.
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