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Plein Air Berlin/Brandenburg - 9th to 19th May 2015 - Open to All !

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Continuing on from last years discussion...We're delighted that Marko and Nikoli  are again making plans for another Plein Air Berlin/ Brandenburg Event 2015.Dates will be  May 9th - 19th

The Event will be based again in  Altthymen haus,  

The cost will be  € 45 euro/ day, full board. The nearest airport is Berlin 

We had a great experience during this Event 2014. This is a wonderful opportunity to paint in the old, East part of Germany, and immerse yourself in paint :) . Places are still available, if you would like to join us let us know. 

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That's right Michael the galleries will be open on the Tuesday. We also might get a chance to get to that big art shop the lads were talkin about!! We will have ten days. Plus what we COULD do is, look up their website, order what we would like and get it delivered to one of the lads or to Alttymen Haus a day or two before we arrive. I can't remember the name of the art supplies Shop Hartmut said, but the paints were good quality and great value!! Just thinking could be a plan.

So, it's from May 9–19th, 10 days.

If you want to bring some bigger stuff with and you think it'll be heavy, prepare and send a package to one of us. Or straight to Altthymen.


We were talking about these oils:

You can phone them. All of them speak english, french or polish. Or you could send me a list and I'll buy it. I'm once or twice in a month there.

Great Nikolai , what is the name of that big art supplies shop in Berlin, I can not remember? I might look up some stuff online and get it sent to one of you or to Alttymen before we arrive.
Thank you so much Nikolai!! That's really great. I will look and I could send you the money to your pay pal account if you are going shopping for me !!! Ha ha ha.Actually i might like to paint a bit bigger than the pochade size this time, will think about that and frame sizes etc for water colourr work, it is awkward for framing with glass mounts etc to bring over without breaking them.

hey good morning everyone - i am in althymen at the moment and working with manfred for the plein air - george you are really welcome - send please some good quality pictures from last year - super to see you again -

i am registerd for art in the open and i am searching a host for my stay in wexford - it would be very good to find so -

so it is a lot to do in the next 2 weeks -

because i am from the 17th to the 31st march in south italy with my mother - painting there and organizing a one week plein air there for maybe the 28. september to 5 october - artselect will give some sponsoring for that too - i met ms leone wednesday in berlin and she said we will do it -

remember please send pictures for the flyer to nikolai -


greetings and hugs from altthymen -


Dear Marko i sent you my pictures did you get them. A big hello to Manfred from me!!

we got your fotos - louise

we have a new idea for making some money for the painters - would you do ordered paintings of subjects which people from the region want to have painted by the plein air artists during our festival? - like my house, my garden, my mother ---

we will do publicity for that - what do you think?


Can we have a think about that, Marko wAs that a suggestion from Manfred? Maybe some local people have asked him and he might already have some people interested in getting a painting commissioned. could be an idea!!! Yes some local people might like like the idea of their house garden mama papa being painted!!

Having easels and larger canvases available is BRILLIANT!  It is lovely to have the option.  Mostly I will paint 30 X 40cm or smaller,  which I can hold on my hand.  But it is lovely to let rip on larger work too.

I couldn't go last year, but I am soooo looking forward to it this year!

I'd be happy to do paintings of subjects requested - commissions.

Marko, I can only speak for myself, but I think most artists would paint someone's breakfast if they got paid for it! So of course, commissions would be most welcome.

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