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Plein Air Berlin/Brandenburg - 9th to 19th May 2015 - Open to All !

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Continuing on from last years discussion...We're delighted that Marko and Nikoli  are again making plans for another Plein Air Berlin/ Brandenburg Event 2015.Dates will be  May 9th - 19th

The Event will be based again in  Altthymen haus,  

The cost will be  € 45 euro/ day, full board. The nearest airport is Berlin 

We had a great experience during this Event 2014. This is a wonderful opportunity to paint in the old, East part of Germany, and immerse yourself in paint :) . Places are still available, if you would like to join us let us know. 

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No taxi, Marko and one another person will wait for you with their cars. 

Thanks Nikolai. Do you have a telephone number for Marko, so we can ring/text him when we are on the train?

Should we just ring the Haus Altthymen number when we arrive in Furstenberg?

I'll meet you tomorrow at the airport. Then we'll travel to the »Hauptbahnhof« the big railway station, where you'll get your train. Ellen from New-York will join you, so you'll be a 5 person group and this is good, because you can travel all together with a group ticket, which is cheaper.

Micheal, check your email from your website:

That's very good of you, Nikolai. Our flight arrives in Berlin (SXF - Schonefeld) tomorrow morning at 10-25 am. Looking forward to meeting you. I'll check my e-mail now.

Wow, what a fantastic week of painting , inspiration fun and laughter... ! A huge thank you to Marko Fenske and  Nikolai Kraneis for making this Event happen, and for their amazing attentiveness and energy throughout the week. We are all  recovering from the "Painting Marathon" and are in the process of writing a blog to capture and share some of our experience..we hope to have it posted very soon !

Photo: Ellen, Louise and Nikolai painting on our first Evening  in the Grounds of beautiful Altthymen Haus,  

A fantastic week indeed. Beautiful place with wild meadows, forests, lakes, and lots of wildlife. I for one was very sad to leave, you could paint for a month in the garden alone.

My dear friends - it was a wonderful week together in old north brandenburg - Our Home Oak is sending you all fresh greetings from the altthymen landscape - had wonderful lightning foto session with the Home Oak, angela and renate - renate made fotos with proffessional stuff and easel - wonderful session - i was laying standing walking around under the home oak with 2 lights in my hands - a lot of different lightning - at the end we had a wonderful light - like a holy moment - wow what a night expirience - here a foto from my shit camera - waiting for fotos from renate - she will send me an email - i am invited to a plein air festival in lithuania with free accomodations and free home made cooking food - it is from 31th of july to the 9th of august - till places available for anyone of you - the others stuff we preperate - after an very good sunday on a wednesday - i was relaxing and had a wonderful sauna evening i can start from now to work again - stap by step - my belly is since my mothers here grown a lot - help - everytime is food prepared and my home is blending me - it is so clean like never - hugs fro berlin - marko


Ah magic!!! Never forget our oak bar it was such a lovely way to spend the evenin with millions of stars above and no light pollution the photo is great Marko.
Ah this is magic and just how I remember it.
It was lovely in the oak bar having a beer a laugh and sitting under five billion stars. Amazing sky with no light pollution. Lithuania sounds great Marko, what part is it in have you the name of the place??
It could be a good trip.
I will look out for the photos from you that Renate took of the Home Oak.

as a brainteser - who is it ?? ???

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