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Deirdre Walsh's Comments

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At 10:20 on October 3, 2014, Catherine Considine said…

Hi Deirdre - I can't believe I'll miss the festival, looks like a great event, I was at the opening thingy, but I have to head off today. Ugh!

At 21:10 on January 15, 2014, Catherine Considine said…

Hiya! - nice to be here!!

At 16:48 on November 2, 2012, David Diaz said…


Great job and work--congrats--I fell apart in the summer and didn't quite get back

At 19:24 on June 26, 2012, Sally Downey said…

Delighted to be 'friends' Deirdre as well as being friends. Sally

At 11:12 on June 5, 2012, John J Maguire said…

Thank you Deirdre. Its good to be motivated again. Looking forward to some paint out days. 

At 8:26 on June 5, 2012, Norah Blount said…

Yes Deirdre we are coming to Leenane on 18th June for a few days - 18th -19th June

At 8:13 on April 30, 2012, noelle angley said…

Actually that’s a good idea, a huge yellow bus might just save the painting!!!

Remember to text if you fancy painting out this weekend!I might be free sunday or monday.

I really enjoyed the day out too and the company was great!

At 8:10 on April 25, 2012, Joe Jordan said…

Thanks Deirdre, it was a great day, tough going in the cold wind - but invigorating!

The midges around Killary must be hardy midges - and I heard the cuckoo last night.

I love your paintings - lovely juicy paint and no fussy detail.  Look forward to next outing.


At 21:53 on April 24, 2012, patrick farrell said…
Would be delighted to accept.I enjoyed the paint out in Leenane,with the bit of fun and the lovely paintings, the cold did not matter. Looking forward to the next one.
At 13:02 on April 8, 2012, Stephanie Thompson said…

Thank you - hoping to get over and paint later in the year  - meanwhile painting in the UK

At 14:22 on January 23, 2012, Myles Murphy said…

Deirdre:  Have a look at Roos Schuring (on right Home panel under Videos).  Her style and, in particular, her early attention to interesting Dutch (could be Irish) stormy cloud composition, is not dissimilar to yours.  She seems to paint Fast and Loose-always the best way en plein air.  I love 7/18 and 13/18 on your gallery.

You make me want to get out there NOW.


At 22:14 on November 23, 2011, Barry Lynch said…

not great at this part of the procedures myself. Cheers

At 22:55 on November 15, 2011, Tony Robinson said…

Thank you, Deirdre. Hope to get to meet you in 2012. Any plans for coming along to Art in the Open?

At 22:48 on November 13, 2011, William P. Duffy said…

Thanks for the "friending" Dierdre and your kind comment. Nice mood in your work!

At 13:49 on October 20, 2011, James Michael Harpur said…

Hi Deirdre,

Sorry, I left the comment in the wrong box. I'm lacking in tecno skills.Thanks for your kind comment on Saint Doologues Church.


At 8:54 on October 5, 2011, Paul O'Kane said…

Hi Deirdre,

A friend. I'm delighted. And a wonderful painter friend at that. You paint en plain air.  The paintings look quite large. Are they? Love the muted colour landscapes. Paint on!


At 17:12 on October 4, 2011, Mary Crowley said…
Hi Deirdre, delighted to be one of your friends, maybe we could meet up in the "West" sometime. Cheers Mary
At 16:47 on October 4, 2011, Willard H Doyle said…

Hello Deirdre -- Many thanks for the kind welcome. You're quite an inspiration yourself, beautiful work.


At 14:01 on October 4, 2011, Mary Crowley said…
Hi Deirdre, we get great skies here in Donegal too, Love the West!
At 19:35 on October 3, 2011, Plein Eire Administrator said…

Thanks, Deirdre.

By the way, have you had the opportunity yet to paint out with any of your new Plein Eire buddies in the Mayo area? has there been anything organised near you this year or is it something we need to be working on for nest year? Whether or no, I'm glad to see it hasn't stopped you from getting out and about.

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