Plein Eire

Your Site For Artists Who Paint Outdoors

Today I was working in my studio, when I looked outside and guess what,  the sun was shining and screaming come out and paint, I did just this. I went home gathered my equipment and off I went, bare in mind that I had not used this gear in almost a year. A quick look inside my easel and all seemed to be ok. I got to my destination set up and started to paint It wasn't long before I realised that I had very little white, in fact I had to use the end off a brush to get out what was left. this meant working without the help of white to lighten colours, I was forced to think differently using limited amounts of flesh tint instead. This gave a good result, but I really missed the white, I now admit that I have a heavy reliance on WHITE. In future I will check all the tubes properly. Above is the result.

Kinego Beach 12"x10" oil on canvas


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Comment by Patrick T Daly on January 22, 2014 at 18:25

I like the result Patrick. You would'nt miss the white at all. See my last painting of Dundalk Bay - I lashed on the

white in that and I'm not sure if it is'nt too much. What do you think

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