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I have applied a couple of times to Cill Rialaig, near Kerry, for their artist residency. Would someone tell me how to pronounce it correctly? Thank you.

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Thank you!

Paddy Darigan said:
Hi Elaine, ( Kill_real_ig )is the best I can do with it, some of the other plein air Irish scholars may know better
"Kill Real Egg" might be slightly closer and probably easier to remember.
I forgot to say that the emphasis should be on the second sylable as in Cill-Rial-aig
Michael McGuire said:
"Kill Real Egg" might be slightly closer and probably easier to remember.
Thank you. That is easier to remember. I will continue to apply. I may wear them down eventually!

Michael McGuire said:
I forgot to say that the emphasis should be on the second sylable as in Cill-Rial-aig
Michael McGuire said:
"Kill Real Egg" might be slightly closer and probably easier to remember.
I have an question. Does "Eire" mean "Ireland"? Seems like I read that somewhere.
Yes, its the Irish name for Ireland. Its pronounced,'Airra'. You'll see it on the coins and stamps here (when you come over one of these days for Art in the Open!).
You could try also addressing your application to Cill Rialaig to Noelle Campbell-Sharp, Origin Gallery, 83 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2 Phone: 00-353-1-4785259 Fax: 00-353-1-4785826 E-mail as well as to the project itself in Kerry. She is the driving force behind the whole thing.
Thank you! I am reading a book right now that is a compilation of stories written about Ireland. Some old, some new. I will add the knowledge you gave me to what I'm reading. Interesting, "éireann" is the word for Ireland. My husband has called one of our daughters "Er-i-an" for fun. Her name is Erin. Other daughter is named Kelley. Both Irish names I think.
Thanks to both for all that information. I will certainly keep my eyes open for those coins, when I try my hardest to set it up to come over next summer. I think if I plan a year in advance, I can have things set up so I could do it! Hmmm....I may send the forms to Cill Rialaig, to the address you gave me, Tony, or now that I have found a group of people in Ireland out painting, I may just have to come over and make myself a nuisance for the Art in the Open! :)

Cill Rialaig is pronounced Kill Reel-ig

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