Plein Eire

Your Site For Artists Who Paint Outdoors

This thread is just a succession of bits and pieces picked up on the radar to do with plein air painting that may interest you. It may give you a laugh, kick off another discussion thread on some topic or another or be that gem of information you had been looking for.

Not exactly a 'smorgasbord', perhaps, but at least a bag of crisps, a mars bar and a glass of flat TK lemonade....mmm!

"With the economy flat, difficult or pragmatic decisions are having to be made. For artists, painting sales are harder to attain than in the last several years. Many stick to their day jobs while yearning for the freedom to become full-time artists upon retirement.
But for those wondering how to manage without what they used to call 'an allowance' or maybe a ministerial pension in early middle-age, or now contemplating the postponement of retirement until 68, here is a heartening and interesting story...."
Michael Vires

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......If you will paint out there,
You'll plein air - anywhere!
its up to you....
New York, New York!!!

No more excuses about seeking a quiet spot away from passers-by.
Here are a couple of links to galleries of plein air paintings.

The first includes awarded paintings from an event called the US Open - no Tigers here, though.

The second has 2 paintings each by about 40 artists who were invited to Plein Air Easton, an East Coast event and one of the bigger ones at that. In this, as is common in America, the artists are selected from applicants or invited. It can lead to a slightly 'samey' look about them but there is no denying the quality of some of the work.

This is Mitch Albala's site and he juries the US Open . It is well worth a longer look for Plein air tips and information.

(It is possible that Valerie Craig, one of the artists at Easton, will be able to come over for Art in the Open in 2011 so you may want to take note of her work on the Easton link.) I like the 2 Tim Bell paintings.
I did the Easton Quick draw and both artists were there--then went to the exhibition where there main work was--Valerie's work is always wonderful, and Tim has this ability to use the broadest strokes and still have structure in mostly large works.

Here is a little Youtube video which is coming from the 'daily painters' standpoint - surely these are close cousins of the plein air fraternity?

It raises some interesting points and is kind of hypnotic as well.....I think its the music.
Hope you like it, too.
For anyone interested in painting outside after dark, here a couple of helpful and interesting articles:
From The Artist Magazine article, 'Painting Evocative Nocturnes' written by artist/writer, Michael Chesley Johnson, plus some inside track on thge subject from Marc R. Hanson's blog 'Painting My way Through Life' and finally, some images from the same blog covering Marc Hanson's nocturne marathon undertaken in September 2010.

Some advice stumbled across on how to achieve success as selling artist:

Hope it does the trick!


And here's two Googlies:_

The first is Google's latest art venture with some stunning images: -mind you don't lose days wandering over the surface of museum masterpieces.

and this: - not exactly plein air  - but,  paintings based on 'Google Street View'!

I think I'm getting too old for this lark....

I absolutely LOVE Liz's paintings!  They are wonderful!  I wish we could claim her, but she's a Canadian.

Plein Eire Administrator said:
Today's offering is American artist, Liz Wiltzen’s blog. – This has some interesting common sense about plein air painting, about pricing your work (that evergreen conundrum), and about dealing with rejection and putting the competitive edge in context.
See if you agree with Liz Wiltzen's view.
Interesting, but I think I need to go soak my eyes in something now. :)

Plein Eire Administrator said:
Here is a ten minute arts programme interview with 3 Australian plein air artists to introduce an exhibition of Monet's paintings. It is interesting for the amount of time given to plein air but also for the wicked 'arts programme' studio backdrop which looks like a dayglo test card and made all the more hilarious by the fact they have only one camera panning back and forth across it. You'll be suffering retinal overload for a week if you can sit through this one. Enjoy....Plein Air Studio Discussion

Here is a video link to the remarkable plein air of Louisa McElwain.

You could be onto something there, Kevin. - Wasn't there a woman used to sell fruit & veg. out around Taghmon and they called her 'Rosanna in the Hiace'?


Anyway, back in the programme...

Here's a handy beginners' guide to aerial perspective from Kiwi, Richard Robinson.

Play the video at the top of the page and scroll down for the text notes.


Kevin Macpherson tours his 'Reflections on a Pond' exhibition.

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