Plein Eire

Your Site For Artists Who Paint Outdoors

Hi Folks 
many thanks to all who participated in this years Festival. I hope you had fun and were happy with your work. Yet again the exhibition was a revelation of the latent talent and energy that is out there.
Many of you offered suggestions to make the festival more attractive and organizational hints to help make it more efficient. Each one was better that the other. Perhaps you would take some time to post them here, i'm afraid i may have forgotten some of the excellent suggestions and we would like to do our best for you all
Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you 

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Hi Neil

Firstly, many congratulations to the team. Absolutely first class from start to finish. I'm in Lisdoonvarna at the moment and I've forgotten my notes but one idea to start you off: Less experienced artists may feel that they have little chance of an award soooo.... why not have at least one or two awards for the less experienced.


The link for the little pa system that I used on the demo is

Hi Grahame, Agreed on first class start to finish. But, as a somewhat middle level artist, I did not worry about awards. I knew there were some wonderful artists participating and so had no expectations of an award. It was the furtherest thing from my mind ... only wanted to visit Ireland (for someone out of the area), meet some like-minded artists and share the great time of being outdoors and painting, meeting the public and learning more. It was a fabulous time, and the people are lovely and so friendly. What more could we want .... just to paint!

To Neil and all the Administrators/ committee members – many sincere thanks for giving us a wonderful week in Wexford.  I can only guess at the intensity of planning that went into the festival and I know I saw only the tip of the iceberg of work during the festival and paint-outs e.g. hanging of the exhibition, life drawing sessions, workshops etc. etc.


I attended the three pre-festival paint-outs and thoroughly enjoyed them.  It was possible to meet most people who attended each day.  I felt that when we moved into Wexford that contact was lost to a certain extent – perhaps because it is a very busy urban setting, perhaps it was because by then the numbers had swelled. 


  • I think for that reason that a central ‘drop-in centre’ might be a good idea for coffee, encouragement, respite or whatever.


  • I also agree with the name-tag suggestion.  Would it be possible to include the member’s photo as used on Plein Eire?  Although that photo is not always clear or is small or, dare I say it, not a portrait   that is how  we have got to know them.  Also, we should be encouraged to continue to wear the tag for the duration of the festival. Small spot prize for tag wearers each day?


  • I was lucky to get a catalogue at the exhibition this year.  Could we have more please.  The contribution to charity was a good idea.


  • I thought the clinic was a great idea and it was very interesting to hear what the critiquers (what should we call them?) had to say about the many almost-perfect paintings submitted.  However, I was disappointed, not to say a bit uncomfortable, that there were no other ‘less experienced’ painters submitting.


  • Many thanks to those who organized the Life Drawing sessions.  Most enjoyable and a lovely end to a day’s painting.


Thanks again for everything and even if none of the suggestions are implemented I look forward to next year.

Good heavens! - are you sure you didn't catch his necktie in the car door ???

Lori Putnam said:
By the way, the cards you gave us to hand out about the event to folks worked great!  I had a gentleman watch me paint in Enniscorthy.  I gave him a card.  He showed up at the Quick Draw, saw him at the opening, then again in Rosslare!

Hi Folks

Thanks for the taking the time to give us your suggestions, they are excellent and many are relatively easy to implement so we will be doing them;for example name-tags will be available next year. keep the suggestions coming!

I didn't have a car... remember! : )

Tony Robinson said:

Good heavens! - are you sure you didn't catch his necktie in the car door ???

Lori Putnam said:
By the way, the cards you gave us to hand out about the event to folks worked great!  I had a gentleman watch me paint in Enniscorthy.  I gave him a card.  He showed up at the Quick Draw, saw him at the opening, then again in Rosslare!
Thanks Lori for mentioning it .... neither did I! Do you think they'll go for it?
Still here, but not for long.  Sitting in a hotel in Dublin having a last Guinness on Irish soil before heading home in the morning.  I have had quite the journey around Ireland.  I decided not to hire a car, which I am very happy I did.  I took the bus, and train, and got to talk to some wonderful people, as well as not have to try to find my way!  Loved the west, stayed with a South African family (lived in Ireland for 10 years), for 3 nights near Headford, Doolin, Innisheer (Aran Islands), Cliffs of Mohr, Connemara, complete with picnics with a nigh energy 7 year old!  But I did keep thinking oh, all those wonderful people in Wexford must be around here someplace!  I also have decided, that if I ever plan on draggin bags around any country, I may have to paint in watercolors!  Too heavy!!

My thoughts exactly!!

Marsha Hamby Savage said:

Hi Grahame, Agreed on first class start to finish. But, as a somewhat middle level artist, I did not worry about awards. I knew there were some wonderful artists participating and so had no expectations of an award. It was the furtherest thing from my mind ... only wanted to visit Ireland (for someone out of the area), meet some like-minded artists and share the great time of being outdoors and painting, meeting the public and learning more. It was a fabulous time, and the people are lovely and so friendly. What more could we want .... just to paint!

This would be a great challenge! It would force us out of our "comfort zones" and make the exhibition less repetitive!

Plein Eire Administrator said:

One suggestion that came in on the questionnaire we handed out was to have a draw for streets - participants each get a street in Wexford to find and paint at whatever time of day, or any aspect of it they like.

I suppose there would be a separate award for this challenge. Obviously, some streets are going to be more picturesque than others and it would not be mandatory to do it.

Would you think this contrived, difficult and unfair or would you treat it as a challenge and just a bit of fun?

It is certainly a creative idea, whether it meets approval or not. Anyone with any more such as this?

Personally, I am always up for a challenge.  That's the fun of painting for me... getting OUT of a comfort zone. (Not that I've ever found a comfort zone).


Something else that artists might do is offer a "blank canvas" for sale. Meaning... people who want their businesses or homes painted could pre-purchase (basically like a commission) a blank canvas from an artist. The artist is guaranteed a sale that way, and the potential patron could browse through a notebook of artists' styles and general price range in order to choose.  Of course, artists would have a choice of participating in this or not.


I would have loved to have attended some of the mini-workshops, but just felt like I really couldn't miss the opportunity to paint. Maybe next year I can schedule longer time there so I get to do it all!



I think the idea of an auction is a good one.  It is a lot of work however.  I was a member of a local art co-op for quite a few years, at which we had some auctions to raise money for the gallery.  If AITO did chose a local charity, they would vary it each year.  I think many people are more inspired to pay for something if some of the money is going to a charity they believe in.

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