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thanks James......the next videos will have someone on another bike videotaping me!
Thats it ! I am not going to stand around in the cold anymore...................getting "bogged down" with one viewpoint!
I've got it....you could develop this system to suit a "tandem" bicycle ?? It would free your hands (and eyes) up, to handle a large canvas?????
....then again , that would be two lives at risk - could be good on the Salt Flats though...........
How about being more sedentary?? Plein Air Painting while doing yoga?
thanks James for the input.....I am working on painting larger but of course it will all depend on the balancing act I created for myself. I am not awhere of anyone else trying this but there is a monty Python skit about Picasso painting on a bicycle which is pretty funny but not really any painting at all. I do have plans to one day head over the the Bonneville salt flats to try some other painting speed tests.
Thanks.....I did think of skydiving...but I am afraid of heights :(
Fantastic John.....though I'm sure if you haven't had an accident, you may have caused a few on your journey :))
I'll look forward to Plein Air while Skydiving in the sequel!!!
Created by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 24, 2011 at 10:36am. Last updated by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 28, 2015.
Created by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 12, 2010 at 2:18am. Last updated by Plein Eire Administrator Jun 1, 2012.
Created by Plein Eire Administrator Jul 15, 2010 at 1:33am. Last updated by Plein Eire Administrator Jan 10, 2012.
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