Plein Eire

Your Site For Artists Who Paint Outdoors

Rosa Olivero's Comments

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At 18:06 on January 16, 2013, Jane Meyler said…

Hi Rosa…sorry to have missed you in Wexford in the New Year.  Hope you had a lovely holiday.  Jane

At 23:00 on January 8, 2013, Pàez de Pruna said…

Hola Rosa, he creado este grupo porque organizo un Festival Plein Air, en Olvera (Cadiz), este año será la 2ª edición, y estoy interesado en promocionarlo a nivel internacional. Con respecto a tu técnica ( acuarela), estoy intentando crear un taller para esos dias ya que tengo compañeros acuarelistas que están interesados en venir, uno de ellos vive cerca de Madrid (Pablo Ruben López) y otro en Granada (Manolo Jimenez), puedes ver sus obras en google images, Pablo Ruben ha sido elegido este año 2012, uno de los 50 mejores acuarelistas del mundo, además de recibir un 1º premio entregado por el Principe Felipe. Espero poder concretar pronto las fechas, los talleres que se impartiran y los premios de los dos concursos del festival. Saludos


At 22:27 on January 8, 2013, Pàez de Pruna said…


At 13:17 on January 7, 2013, Norah Blount said…

Maybe we will get to paint in Spain sometime Rosa :)

At 18:10 on January 3, 2013, Lori Putnam said…

Hi Rosa. Will you be coming to Wexford again this year?


At 10:13 on January 3, 2013, Neil O'Keeffe said…

Hi Rosa

It was great to see you at Karens and enjoy a wonderful evening

Take care and enjoy 2013

At 19:26 on January 2, 2013, Sally Downey said…

That took a while Rosa but all the more welcome.

At 18:43 on January 2, 2013, Norah Blount said…

Welcome to the site Rosa - hope you can join us to paint again this year !

At 18:04 on January 2, 2013, Terence Gillespie said…

Hi Rosa, Welcome to PleinEire.  It is dull and drab here at the moment, are there any plein air festivals in sunny Spain to dream about?

At 15:42 on January 2, 2013, George McHugh said…

Hi Rosa, I'm glad to see you joining Plein Eire. You can be the first in the Pintores group.

At 15:09 on January 2, 2013, Margaret Kent said…
Welcome to Plein Eire Rosa, look forward to painting with you.
Happy New Year!
At 13:10 on January 2, 2013, John McManus said…

Welcome at last Rosa! I look forward to seeing your paintings on the site soon.

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