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Norah Blount's Comments

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At 19:39 on February 14, 2012, Helder Vieira said…

Hi Norah,

Most of your paintings are more than paintings, they are pure poetry and  your brush loves flowers that's for sure:)

At 18:12 on January 22, 2012, Sean Quinn said…

Delighted to hear from you, Norah.

We have been like ships in the night, making contact but never quite meeting.  You sound a bit like myself with your impetuosity in ordering the book so quickly.   I heard you saying you would, and I meant to have a word with you, that you're more than welcome to have mine anytime,  for as long as you like.   Sometimes they're quite expensive when listed,   but my experience is that for the one penny you should get it for less than a fiver.   Unfortunately, due to my late arrival, we weren't introduced -    I had been wondering who that attractive lady diagonally across from me was.    It dawned  on meafter I'd left, that it was probably yourself - your photo doesn't do you justice.    So, Norah, I look forward to meeting up  with   again and we might even get around to having a chat.  I enjoyed your painting of the tree,  with its almost sculptural effect.

Bye for now,


At 18:34 on November 26, 2011, deirdre shanny said…

Hi Norah,

Seems an age since we chatted.Didnt see all this new body of work.....well done you.Fantastic album.

At 14:46 on October 1, 2011, Deirdre Walsh said…



Thank you for comment on my Evening Stillness. That painting was done in January.....I find the winter light more interesting. I wish someone would design a pair of heated fitted gloves!!!!!!!!!


You water colours have a lovely fluid quality.



At 12:54 on September 8, 2011, Marita Mc Geady said…

Hi Norah,

Delighted to hear from you, Yes it's me and I still play tennis but not quits so regularly, not enough time! I dont even have enough time for my art! Have just looked at your artwork how lovely it is excellent composition and light and a delicate touch. I didnt know you were painting, is this since you moved to Mullingar? Wonderful. Delighted to connect again, I am still in Lucan. I will definately go out with you but have family commitments right now. It is my total love to paint outside and have been doing it for years, but one does need to have company. M

At 22:00 on September 6, 2011, Sally Downey said…
Thank you for your kind comments Norah.  That's an interes ing one about Kilcock Canoe Pole Club.
At 22:32 on September 5, 2011, Sally Downey said…

Thanks for explaining that to me Norah - about sending message to friends. 

As far as I know all that is involved in hosting is that you decide on the site , the meeting place and time and let us all know via Groups and Events. So get your thinking cap on.

Some very nice paintings here, Norah.

At 15:51 on September 5, 2011, Caroline Carroll said…
Really enjoyed painting the castle at Trim. Who ever thought that it would be so hard to paint stonework! Really enjoyed the challenge and pleased with result. Enjoyed Kilcock, great bunch of people. Might be able to get to Virginia.
At 17:27 on August 10, 2011, Eamonn Dowdican said…
We have often thought about it Norah only the weather let us down at the last minute. However, we regularly paint at a lovely quaint schoolhouse in Mullaghmore every Saturday during the day and Monday evening. Up to now the only outdoor painting our painting group have done over the last couple of years is in Marbella and Tuscany. That's why I joined this group.... to paint in my own country next year, and indeed Mullaghmore will definitely be a perfect location.
At 11:56 on August 10, 2011, Eamonn Dowdican said…
That would be nice Norah.  Our Group will be back painting next month. We are based in Mullaghmore and Sligo town.
At 14:40 on August 8, 2011, frances kelleher said…

Hi Norah, in case it may suit you I sent below comment to Ann:

Ann care to meet up around 2 tomorrow, Tuesday the 9th?  Anywhere you'd care to paint is great with me, whether Glasson or Ballymahon. I'm 087 9913651   Be grand, from my perspective, if anyone else cared to join.


At 12:58 on July 28, 2011, frances kelleher said…
Yea, be glad to connect in Norah.  Personally, I'm not very familiar with Mullingar area although it's very convenient to me.  Maybe we'll chat later
At 18:16 on July 4, 2011, deirdre shanny said…

Hi Norah,

Love the painting you did of the wee cottage.Masterful.Nice meeting you.See you soon.Happy painting.

At 20:33 on July 3, 2011, kate beagan said…
Hi Norah, Sorry I missed you on Sat. I like your title about the Boyne, it just might work. look forword to meeting you. Happy painting.
At 14:59 on June 25, 2011, Patrick Brennan said…
The North West  Painters are intending to head off to The Gweedore area this Sunday. If you are intrested contact Neil Carrigan
At 15:43 on June 22, 2011, kate beagan said…

Hi Nora,

Welcome. Hope you are able to make Sat, if not I'm sure we will manage to meet up soon.  Kate.

At 20:22 on December 6, 2010, Karen Scannell said…
Thanks for your lovely comments Nora..your right about the color that's around at the moment..I don't think I've seen anything like it before...stunning. Feel like a child in a sweet shop! Hope you get a chance to try and capture it soon. We've a load of hints now for keeping warm..polystyrene mat, bamboo fiber thermals,nylon stockings over your shoes ..Target store for undies..electric gloves..we'll be like aliens from another world...............!
At 23:43 on December 3, 2010, patrick farrell said…
thank you for the comment about my painting.if you are familier with the film; the quite man, staring john wayne and maureen o hara,the painting was completed from the bridge,that they sat on.keep an eye out for it next time you see it. patrick farrell
At 22:37 on December 3, 2010, john o'flynn said…
I dont think I received the photo's- what were they of?
Sorry wont see you tomorrow, Sat.
At 17:24 on November 23, 2010, Karen Scannell said…
Hi Nora,
Don't forget a headlamp on Thurs. ( even if it can be attached to your easel somehow) . .The campers headlamp has a "Blue" hue from it which is easier to read your colors with. -

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